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Containers transportation by railway

The company “Railway Logistics Service” offers a full service of logistics services for the transportation of containerized cargo by rail.


The company carries out the transportation of any type of container. Shipments of both single containers and group shipments as part of container block trains are possible.


We ship shipper’s owned and linear containers. Transportation can be carried out both in one direction, and with the return of empty containers back in round trip mode.


The range of container cargo transportation services includes:

- acceptance of containers in ports

- organization of a full cycle of transportation by rail

- provision of any type of wagon

- customs clearance

- execution of all necessary documentation

- payment of the railway fare to the destination station

- declaration of cargo at borders

- organization of terminal work

- payment of fees of shipping companies


If it is not possible to transport the goods to the destination station in a container belonging to the sea line, we carry out transshipment into the carrier’s containers or on our own. Such containers do not need to be returned empty to the owner - it is enough to deliver them empty to the terminal after unloading. thus, the cost of transportation is reduced due to savings on empty returns and demurrage.


A network of agents and partners at many destination stations allows you to offer additional services for customs clearance, terminal operations and delivery to the recipient's door.


Transporting goods in containers is the most common way of delivering goods. Due to its versatility, almost the entire range of goods is transported in containers, starting with food, ending with equipment and hazardous chemicals.

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